Here you can download latest version of Kolev RAW. It is free (of charge) and has no limitations of use or requriments of registration.
To obtain pre-release "Pro" version please write to [email protected]
Windows release R14 (May 12, 2010), 1.5 MB
System requirements: OS: Windows XP or later; CPU: any x86 CPU with SSE support; RAM: depends from camera resolution, 512 MB for most camera models. Athlon 64 or Core 2 CPU & 1GB is highly recommended.
Please wait for release.
User interface look:
- Customizable graphical user interface (GUI) with floating instrumental panes.
- Non-destructive, high-quality processing using floating-point calculations.
- Advanced interpolation with high level of detail extraction.
- Support for almost all camera models (with RGB colour filter array). Cameras with 4-colour or Foveon sensors are not supported.
- Open dialog with preview and EXIF-data indication.
- Saving of images in next formats: TIFF & JPEG.
- Exposure adjustment with Highlights/Shadows indication.
- Adjustable histogram-based tone correction.
- Fill-light feature (one-shot HDR)
- White Balance: Camera, Auto, Point, Custom
- Filters:
- - Sharpness (Luma domain)
- - Noise Reduction (Luma domain, edge-preserving)
- - Noise Reduction (Chroma domain)
- Color-grayscale conversion – using Luminance, R, G or B channel as a gray level. Special “Mixer mode” allowing user to mix the channels in different proportions to get better grayscale output.
- Contrast & Saturation adjustment.
- Highlights Recovery.
- RAW & Output histograms.
- Built in profiles for all supported cameras.
- Image rotation.
- Cropping support.
- High-quality output image scaling – user can set exact output resolution or scaling factor.
- Curves control for precise tone control.
- Optimized code with support for accelerated execution on systems with multiple cores/CPUs and vector extensions.
- Pro interpolation offers additional anti-aliasing processing, lower probability of creation of “jaggies”, as well a more precise interpolation in Red & Blue channels which is important in case of B&W imaging. Good anti-aliasing properties of “Pro” interpolation is especially important in case of processing of RAW output from cameras with low AA filter strength or cameras without AA filter.
- Ability to save images in 16-bit TIFF format.
- Pre-filters:
- - Chromatic Aberration correction.
- - Powerful Noise Reduction pre-processing.
- Advanced Colour Management. You can choose camera and display profiles as well as the colour space for output images. There are built in profiles for all supported cameras and several output colour spaces.

AHD interpolation

Kolev RAW interpolation

AHD interpolation (Red)

Kolev RAW interpolation (Red)

AHD interpolation

Kolev RAW interpolation
Kolev RAW is an environment for working with RAW files produced by digital cameras. Kolev RAW offers advanced RAW data interpolation algorithms, sharpness and noise-reduction filters, colour management, customizable user interface and many other features. Converted RAW files can be saved as TIFF or JPEG images. Almost all existing camera models are supported.
Only Windows version is available at this time. Versions for Linux and Mac OS X will be released later. Currently Kolev RAW is being completely redesigned, new version will have rebuilt interface and improved algorithms, please wait for announce.
There are two versions of Kolev RAW: basic and Kolev RAW Pro. Basic version is available for free, without any fees or limitations. Advanced “Pro” version is commercial, and contains the most advanced algorithms and features, also it is more optimized for speed. Full list of features can be seen at Features page. Basic version can be downloaded from Downloads page. To obtain trial version of “Pro”, please, write to [email protected]
The main task of development on initial stages was creation of the top-quality interpolation method. Current “Pro” version contains such algorithm, providing both high-level of anti-aliasing (“moire”) protection and high level of detail extraction without creation of jaggies or other interpolation artefacts at the same time. Also this algorithm doesn't create artefacts in the “minor” Red & Blue channels of RAW image (in comparison with other methods), which is especially significant for B&W work. Examples can be seen on Image Quality page. Basic version uses classic "Kolev RAW" interpolation.
- May 12, 2010: Release R14b
- Added Preliminary support for Sony NEX cameras ( Sony NEX-5 and NEX-3 ).
- Nex 5, 7
- May 12, 2010: Release R14
- Improved interpolation.
- Added or improved support for: Olympus E-P2, Olympus E-PL1, Canon 7D , Canon 1D Mark IV , Canon G11 , Canon S90 , Nikon D3S , Pentax K-x , Panasonic GF-1 , Sony A850 , Sony A5xx, Casio EX-Z750.
- January 12, 2010: Release R12B.
- Various bug-fixes.